COACHING NEWSLETTER 01/2019 This Month's Topic: Productivity
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Hello from the Coaching Team
Dear Students,
How do successful people manage to do so much in such little time? Where does this level of Productivity come from?
In our Video of the Month, you will learn what makes Elon Musk so productive. In our Article of the Month, we will take a deeper look at a checklist that may help you maximize your personal efficiency.
And as always, we have a new great coach for you: Silke Freudenberg, who we are very happy to present.
As always, no article or lecture can replace an actual coaching experience! Visit the coaching area on myEBS, register, select a coach and book an appointment, or contact us. We’ll be happy to hear from you!
Warm regards,
Your Coaching Team
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Video of the Month: How to Be as Productive as Elon Musk
How does Elon Musk get so much done? Apart from having an incredible work ethic and clearly being the owner of a time turner, here are five habits and strategies he uses to stay productive. |
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A Checklist for Personal Efficiency
According to Siimon Reynolds, author, founder of the Photon Group, and mentor to various business leaders, there are two ways to excel in business: right strategy and personal effectiveness. Those of you who have chosen Prof. Dr. Landau’s classes, know that strategy is quite complex. Personal effectiveness, on the other hand, is simpler, “but very few do it well.”
The potential gains from maximizing one’s performance efficiency can be huge. “There are people who are quite literally achieving three times what [their colleagues] are getting done, every single week.”
In Reynolds’s experience, there are seven important areas to focus on.
1. Plan your day in advance.
Don’t just start work. “Take 15 minutes to carefully go through what your tasks are, get them all down on paper. Next, decide when you will do each item throughout the day.” In my experience, the most efficient colleagues I got to work with followed this approach.
2. Do the most important tasks first.
Prioritize! Have you ever caught yourself cleaning your apartment when you should be writing an essay instead? Unimportant, brain-dead tasks can often be used as an excuse to postpone complex important tasks. Be in control.
3. Rush unimportant tasks.
As Warren Buffet put it, “What’s not worth doing is not worth doing well.”
Don’t spend too much time answering that random dude you have a passionate discussion with in YouTube’s comment section.
4. Work in uninterrupted blocks.
Breaks are necessary. However, interruptions also have a negative impact on one’s productivity. Once you decide to take a break or are interrupted, there is temptation to slightly prolong that break, requiring additional discipline to actually get back to work. Thus, it can make sense to work in uninterrupted blocks and sometimes skip a break or two in order to be done sooner.
5. Don’t do emails until 11am.
Now, this piece of advice might seem a bit weird at first, but it does make sense. Use the mornings to structure your day rather than instantly jump on tasks. Take a quick look at your emails if there is anything super important, and make answering them part of your to do list.
6. Pick one key job for the day.
There always is one. It may be studying for that very tough course that threatens to pull down your GPA. It may also be contacting that executive you always wanted to get to know and ask for advice. “Most people [never identify] what their key daily task is.” As a result, they often postpone those.
7. Have a finishing time.
Remember Parkinson’s Law: “Work expands to fill the time allotted for it.” When your work day is open-ended, there is no real need to work fast. Change it! Work with deadlines and set a finishing time every day.
If you can stick to this list, it will radically change how much you achieve. You will get more out of less work, your stress will go down, and your confidence will go up.
Original article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/siimonreynolds/2013/06/23/a-checklist-for-personal-efficiency/ |
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Coach Introduction: Silke Freudenberg
Silke Freudenberg M.A. is an expert in event management and business etiquette (www.silkefreudenberg.com). She lives in Saarbruecken, on the border to France, and works for clients all over Germany. As an event and protocol manager, speaker and trainer, she is helping her clients - companies and individuals – to improve their professional performance. For companies this can be high-level events, such as conferences, inaugurations, meetings between politicians and business representatives as well as special anniversaries. As far as individuals are concerned, the focus lies on personal performance and professional coaching.
She has worked for international companies in Germany and Spain for more than 20 years. Her projects included event management, marketing, communication and HR. Furthermore, she is a member of the „Deutsche Knigge-Rat“, gives lectures at various universities and writes blogs and articles, for example in the „Verlag für die Deutsche Wirtschaft“, one of the biggest specialist publishing houses in Germany.
For Silke Freudenberg, coaching is part of her life philosophy. She experienced the need to adapt to new situations and challenges in life herself and that the saying „it is as it is“ does not necessarily apply. Coaching helps the coachees to open up their horizon, to reflect their own experience and opinion and to discover new perspectives. The goal is to find the best solution for any given issue.
As a coach, Silke Freudenberg is offering confidential cooperation with the coachee, marked by respect, empathy, openness and honesty as well as the willingness to give the best support possible. Her favourite quote is by Wilhelm von Humboldt: “After all, it is the relationship to other people, which gives life its worth.”
She is offering coaching sessions in English, German and Spanish. Contact us to book an appointment with her!
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22.03., 23.03. & 29.03.2019
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